Author: admin


Slowing Down the Train

One of the hardest things to do when delivering software is slowing down. Deadlines are tight, and you only ever have time to write more code on top of the existing mess that is there. The train is running at full speed, but it’s not sustainable; not at this pace.

OK, so you’re responsible, and you queue cleanup tasks with each shortcut you take. Documenting technical debt is a great first step, but it’s nearly impossible to pay back with minimum payments only. Aside from the inevitable bankruptcy, there is another problem.

Design is emergent. Unless you’re brilliant or your requirements truly never changed since day one, you are going to make inadequate design decisions early on. It’s just a reality. By continuing to pile on cdoe onto a poor design, you are continuing to write legacy code. Things will never get better.

It’s not iterative development if you completely omit the refactor cycle in your loop. Eventually you’ll run out of track. The real question is: can the train be slowed down, or does it need to run its course?


Designing for Testability

I’ve been following along with the TDD is Dead series, and it has made me appreciate how far along I’ve come these past few years. If you haven’t tuned in already, it’s a very good listen full of insights at many different levels. It’s a battle between ideals and convention. On on side, you have Kent Beck and Martin Fowler: pioneers of TDD and unit testing. On the other, you have DHH, the creator of the Ruby on Rails framework. Each side has a wealth of experience, but look at programming from nearly polar opposite viewpoints.

The main argument DHH (and many others) have against testing is the insane lengths you have to go to isolate code to allow testing. In some cases, you are creating abstractions and layers for the sake of testing. In this sense, the code you are writing is actually worse off without testing.

I want to ignore all of the benefits of testing for a moment here, and focus on design, because I think that’s what the discussion really needs to be about. The underlying quesiton is: can you have well-tested code and well-designed code that concisely conveys its intent.

Of course you can, but it’s not easy. There is a natural progression of hitting extremes that is part of the learning process. With more experience, you find a good balance. What I see happen, and what turns people off of TDD, is hitting that extreme and stopping. This misses the refactor step of the TDD cycle, and with more experience, the refactorings are more valuable.

Wrapping things in artificial layers and introducing more intermediate results may make testing easier, but it doesn’t necessarily make your application any better. More often than not, you can’t fix your design issues without fixing things at a higher level. And even more dangerously, if you already think your design is perfect, you have no chance.

As you write new code, you can’t be afraid of improving the foundation it is built upon. When you are stuck, sometimes taking only a few steps back isn’t enough to find your way. You need a fresh mind and willingness to introduce real change. You need to change code at a higher level and improve how things communicate. Continuing to pass the same messages through a new system might not be enough. You need to improve the message as well. And to me, this is where most people fall short when trying to refactor their application.

If the message remains the same between each layer of your application, the boundaries aren’t adding any value. They may help with code isolation, but they are just artificial layers. Without boundaries, you are not gaining trust, and your layers will have cracks.


Lossless Expression

Software developers are hired to solve problems with technology. When the solution is known, we are implementing that solution with technology. The choice of technology is often more apparent, and the job is more comparable to following a manual. When the solution is unknown, things can become a little more challenging. Our emphasis should shift from technical issues to the expression of our intent.

Many programming languages, frameworks, databases and other tools, limit the way we can express our intent. We tend to unknowingly favor abstractions, meaningless components, and tools that meet technical problems we aren’t even facing yet. We focus on how data is stored, transmitted, and the components that allow us to do it quickly. We favor lossy technology that does not allow us to fully express the problem we are solving. Our intent is lost and becomes difficult to express.

With an emphasis on expression, development can become an iterative exploration of the problem domain. Language, boundaries, objects, actors, processes, transformations and workflows emerge as we try to crystallize our view, and our representation of it.

It’s important that you do not let your technology choice dilute your intent. Different programming paradigms will lend to different problem domains. Can you represent the journey from a request to a response through a series of clear transformations? Does each state between those transformations have a name, and clear properties? Can you model the messages between components and the boundaries they cross as objects/namespaces? How about as a long procedural script? Can you stuff a series of interactions into create/read/update/destroy commands? How lossy is it – and is that acceptable?

One added benefit of working this way is low amount of cognitive load it requires. There is always some internal translation or mapping of what you’re trying to express, and the code that makes it happen. The less loss that happens here, the easier it is to understand, and the easier it is to change.

If you subscribe to the idea of building your domain layer first, maintaining an effort to express your domain as articulately and losslessly as possible is very powerful. It becomes a natural process of exploration, and separates the programming from the problem solving. Each specific problem you need to solve becomes very isolated, and has a clear connection back to the overarching goal.

As you work your way outward to user interfaces, or various supporting services, define the most expressive and ideal interaction first. If you need to compromise later for technical reasons, that’s fine. Contrast with that the opposite: if what you built suffered major losses early on, it’s much harder to understand and enhance later.

Focus on the lossless expression of your intent. Good design will follow.